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Autel IM608 Benz IMMO Update to V3.80

Autel MaxiIM IM608 Benz software update v3.80.


Autel IMMO Benz Sprinter Update V3.80  (04/11/2019)


1 Supports the following functions for G-Box: read lock information, repair hopping code, detect EIS status/working key, enable key, disable key, lock replacement (wipe, write, clear TP protection,

ativation, backup codes, write codes)

2.Support all key lost, all key lost (FAST) and key addition for Autel G BOX

3.Reads lock password (W203(K),W463(K),W202(K),W208(K),W210(K),W215(K),W220(K),W230(K)

4.Reads BE key password

5. Directional lock replacement (OBD): read, erase, write, synchronize, clear TP protection, activate/disable key, lock and unlock etc. Supports directional locks, W211(NEC), W209(NEC), W211(Motorola)

6. Fix hopping code, detect EIS status/working key, enable key,disable key, lock replacement (wipe, write, clear TP protection, activation, backup codes, write codes)

supports for no gateway completion(W164/-2008, W251/-2008, W164/2009-, W251/2009-,W169, W209/2006-,W211)