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CARPROG Released Newest Version V6.8


CARPROG Full V6.8, with all Software's activated and all 21 items Adapters, was designed with regard to demands of our customers to have universal tool for car radios, odometers, dashboards, immobilizers repair including advanced functions like EEPROM and microcontroller programmer, key transponder programmer.

It updated to V6.8.

Here are the main functions of Carprog:

1. Make the Universal tool - CARPROG inside have powerful 16-bit MPU and full set of automotive interface drivers. In basic version you will get hardware with extra functions: 12 input/output pins for EEPROM in-circuit programmer, future possibility's to make on the same hardware Microcontroller programmer, Immobiliser Transponder Key programmer with antenna adapter for 125/134 kHz, K-line diagnostic (dashboard odometer programming, immobilizer key programming), CAN line diagnostic,+5V/+12V output, USB, power supply only from USB.
2. Make the Low Cost tool - with CARPROG basic you will receive many extra functions (like car radio code calculator CC1, EEPROM programmer and VAG dashboard's programmer by CAN) and all additional software's you can buy extra according your need.
3. Make it User Friendly - Windows XP software, works without any installations, on all PC, use USB to PC link, all adapters schematics diagrams on-line.

More details, please click CARPROG.
