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CGDI Prog BMW Software Update to V2.2.0 (2018-04-17)

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 car key programmer for BMW CAS1/CAS2/CAS3/CAS3+/CAS4/CAS4+/FEM/BDC software released to V2.2.0 on April, 17, 2018.


CGDI BMW 2.2.0 Update Feature:

1.Increase the new functions of BMW F-series coding, restore coding and backup coding
2.Add BMW EGS new function
3.Add read/writeBMW CAS ISN (4 bytes) feature
4.Modify software auto activation display,increase user interaction
5.DEM wiring diagram optimization provides full-screen display
6.BMW OBD key programming and FEM/BDC compatible small screen display
7.Modify CAS4 key programming


Free Download CGDI BMW 2.2.0 software on official website: http://www.cgprogcar.com/