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Lonsdor K518ISE Starts to Smoke when Plug Power Pack (Solution)

One of our customer had smoke issue when he using the Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer by using the wrong power supply. Here's the proper solution. Hope it helps. 



Before I can use the 518ISE key programmer it started to smoke when plugged into the power pack.


The power supply that was used was 12v 1.5 Amp Center + . The power pack that comes with the machine is 12v centre + 1amp , Dc device will use the power is needs , 0.5 amp extra should not make a difference.

It was only sent back once. The part that started to smoke can be seen on the outside of the case by the burn mark.




Make sure your power pack is right, and center + (reverse polarity: + inside and - outside). Lonsdor K518ISE comes with its own power adapter and it has a 25V protective capacity on the main board (see picture below). If you use your own power pack, the capacity will be over power and burnt, thus the device starts to smoke for continuously use. In this case, you can remove the capacity (if using your own power supply). It should work again.


How to remove capacity on K518ISE's main board:




I found the problem was on my side, using the wrong plug pack. Now the machine is good and working well.
Thank you for your call and tech support. The machine worked well today.