PS2/PS90 Update Notice 【2016-06-06】

PS2/PS90 Gasoline Series VAZ V1.01
Language version of the vehicle system software is currently released for  English, Russian

This version (V1.01) issued the following:
1.Added support for PAD I80 products.
2.Fixed airbag clearance problem.
3.Repair of Russian garbled data stream.
PS2/PS90 Gasoline Series HONDA V9.65
Language version of the vehicle system software is currently released for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish,German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, farsi,Russian,Polski 

This version (V9.65) issued the following:
1.Added i80PAD Product .
2.Modify Some wrong conditions in Active function of Engine System.
3.Modify Power Window resetting function failed in BCM system.
PS2/PS90 Gasoline Series BMW V10.04
Language version of the vehicle system software is currently released for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish,German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, farsi,Russian,Polski 

This version (V10.04) issued the following:
1、Optimization of the automatic identification of vehicles way
2、Fixed some minor issues ABS, 6HPTU, ICM and other system data flow
3、Modify the auto scan quickly clear code clean code immediately after reading sometimes can not read the code problem
4、Modify maintenance inside some special function commands judgment
5、Add i80Pad