Super MB Star Install Tips

Have you ever met this kind of questions when installing super mb star? what should you take care when installing super mb star? The following tips maybe good tips for you if you have met this kind of situation: when installing super mb star, it occurs this error23:
What are the reasons of this error? Why error23 occurs when install super mb star? Maybe you have installed on Windows XP and Windows 7,but they all occurs the same error.  why the above problem occurs?
There are 2 possible reasons.
1)Required windows operation system is windows XP. Be sure to setup and run the device software under windows XP
2) If you try to install on both Windows XP and Winds 7, the First Install software maybe gets broken, or it is broken by the anti-virus software.
I suggest you to search "VMware workstation" in google and download it. Here it is the link:

Here are the two tips of installing super mb star:
1. Super MB Star should be worked on with Windows XP.
2. Please make sure that the anti-virus software is closed incase the software was broken by it.

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