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VVDI2 Software Update to V6.7.2

VVDI2 key programmer software released to v6.7.2.

*** 2020-04-13
*** Require firmware V6.6.8
===== VAG V6.7.2 =====
1. Improvement for autodetect VAG immobilizer system
2. Bugfix

===== BMW V6.7.2 =====
1. Improvement for CAS4 OBD: Support OBD fix remote and smart not working
2. Bugfix

===== Porsche V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix

===== PSA V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix

===== Transponder Programmer V6.7.2 ===== 
1. Bugfix

===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix

===== J2534 V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix

===== Online Upate Tool V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix

===== Quick Start V6.7.2 =====
1. Bugfix