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BMW E92 Odometer Correction Tool Recommendation

I want to correct odometer in BMW E92 year 2008.  But I have some problem that I could not solve.

I have to change km in CAS and in cluster instrument, which have to flash first?
In the key is stored kilometers? Or this is updated each time you plug in the car?
CAS black or white, what does it?
I would like to buy a device that can flash the cas and cluster, or need a device for each element?
I understand that the hardware to program depends on the chips installed in the cas and cluster. I don’t care welding, what if I would be afraid if remove and replace a chip.

I saw others using these tools but I can’t afford.
M35080 V3.0 Mileage Programmer for BMW
AK300+ V1.5 Key Maker for BMW CAS

Among these devices, what you advise? I do not mind the price.


Customer suggestion:

Put it like this:

1. CAS
White(Cas2) Black(cas3) does not matter. You need 9s12 secured programmer
I use Xprog 5.51 clone with 100% success rate so far.
R270, UPA, and many other can do this.
You need to read eeprom and set KM to 0

2. Dash
Open dash and find inside EEPROM 080DWQ or 35080 V6/VP
You need to erase this memory . R270 clone can erase 080DWQ but can’t erase V series. For this I use digimaster 3 odometer correction master tool but it’s a bit expensive. Best is to buy a set of new eeproms 35080 or 080DWQ doesn’t matter and use them.
Read eprom->save->Change KM to desired value>write to an erased eeprom.


Basically what you need:
R270 for Dash / Cas 1-3+ & 1 mask of CAS4
Digiprog 3 4.94 for Cas through OBD
Canfilters for unsupported CAS4 masks & FEM-modules.

Thats how most of the people do it, Dash + CASx/FEMx.