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How to Connect VXDIAG via USB, WiFi and WLAN?

Both VXDIAG VCX DoIP and VCX SE series support LAN, WLAN, WiFi and USB LAN connections.

VCX Pro and VCX NANO (USB) support USB connection.

VCX NANO WiFi supports both USB and WiFi connections.

Check guide below to connect your vxdiag diagnostic tools.



LAN Connection

Applied to: VCX-DOIP / VCX-SE

Vcxdoip Lan Obd

VCX-DoIP LAN Connection Diagram

Vcxse Lan Obd
VCX-SE LAN Connection Diagram
via USB Type-C to RJ45  LAN converter


WLAN – Wireless Connection

Applied to: VCX-DOIP / VCX-SE

Vcxdoip Wlan Obd
VCX-DOIP WLAN Connection Diagram

Vcxse Wlan Obd

VCX SE WLAN Connection Diagram


WLAN Connection Procedure:
Connect VCX with vehicle, make sure enough power supply is feed to vehicle to start engine

Search WLAN on your laptop: DoIP-VCI-XXXX,Select Auto Connection and press Connect

Wlan Connect

Enter WLAN password: 12345678, Press Next.

Wlan Password
Check WLAN information after well connected.

Wlan Network

USB LAN Connection

Applied to VCX-DOIP / VCX-SE

Vcxdoip Usb Obd
VCX-DoIP USBLAN Connection Diagram

Vcxse Usb Obd
VCX-SE USBLAN Connection Diagram


First Time Connection:

Driver Usb Install

Windows will auto install device driver during the first time USBLAN installation

Driver Usb Lan Ok
You will see Realtek USB FE Family Controller in Device Manager if the device driver install successfully



Applied to VCX NANO series only

Vcxnano Usb Obd

USB VCX-NANO Connection Diagram

First time installation:

Driver Usb Lan Ok

Windows will auto install device driver when connecting via USB for the first time

Device Usb Serial
You will see USB Serial Port (COMx) in Device Manager if the device driver install successfully


Applied to VCX NANO series only

Vcxnano Wifi Obd

WiFi VCX-NANO  Connection Diagram

WiFi Connection:
Start device normally
Search wifi: VCX-WiFi,press Connect
Connect success (Don’t need password)


Detect Device Connection 

Run VX Manager, The information of device will be displayed in “Device Manager”.


Select [Device], then click [Configure], Connection Type select [Auto], click [Save], Restart VX Manager program
