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Difference among JMD Handy Baby 46 4D 48 and G chip

JMD Handy baby key programmer is able to copy 46, 4D, 48 and G chips. Handy baby transponder key copy machine uses its own special chips to copy chips.  How to tell JMD 4D, 46,48 and G chips?


JMD46 chip:

Package: Package with epoxy resin
Range: -40℃~80℃
Number: F-JMD6XX, C-JMD6XX on the back side of chip

F-JMD6XX: unlimited times to copy, poor compatibility in some Chinese car( stop production)

C-JMD6XX: unlimited times to copy, can change to collect mode to collect data from cars.
Copy: copy all kinds of ID46
Note: both F-JMD6XX and C-JMD6XX are still poor compatibility in some car models, such as Great Wall C30/C20, Roewe750, MG7, Changhe X5, if you copy the key may not work.


JMD 4D chip:

Package: Package: Package with epoxy resin
Range: -40℃~80℃
Number: F-JMDDXX on the back side of chip

F-JMDDXX: unlimited times to copy ,if XX<06, it is incompatible in ID63, such as Mazda, Ford, Lincoln etc.

F-JMDDXX: unlimited times to copy ,if XX>=06, it is compatible with all 4D types
Copy: copy all kinds of 4D,4C


JMD G chip:

Package: Package: Package with epoxy resin
Range: -40℃~80℃
Number: F-JMDGXX on the back side of chip

F-JMDGXX: unlimited times to copy, can use to copy Toyota 72G, Ford ID83(80bit), and will copy more chips in future
Copy: Toyota 72G, Ford ID83(80bit), and more …


JMD 48 chip:

Package: glass
Range: -40℃~80℃ F-JMD48: once time to copy, JMD letters on glass(stop to produce)

C-JMD48: unlimited times to copy, can not generate as special type
Copy: copy all kinds of ID48