Mercedes Benz MB SD Connect C4 Star Diagnostic multiplexer with software HDD 2009.11. (The latest software HDD is 2014.12)
Dell D630 laptop running Win XP home
Activate Benz Gas Tank Mod (Gallons) instruction via DAS Developer Mode:
1. Install and activate the MB SD C4 software
2. Select vehicle model->F3
3. Come to Control units menu, ->F3
4. Select Information and communication, -> F3
5. Select ICM-Instrument cluster with maintenance internal display, -> F3
6. Select Diagnosis to plant specifications->F3
7. Select Control unit adaptations->F3
8. Select Control unit adaptations(Variant coding)->F3
9. Select Variantenkodierung->F3
10. Select Tankifo in Reichweitenbild and change the status to aktivieren->F3
11. Select Actuations->F3
12. Select Complete index of actuations->F3
13. Select ECU Reset(FN-ECU-Reset)->F3
14. Start ECU resetting. When complete the procedure, back to main program or exit MB Star Diagnostic DAS software program.