How to choose the key pro M8 M8 Key Programmer Dongle?
M8 Key Programmer Dongle Choosing:
Dongle A: Available for most of the cars, VW, AUDI, TOYOTA, NISSAN, Alfa Rometoand Bentley.
Dongle B Available old Nissan Immo system till 2001.
Dongle C Available for Honda, Acura and Chrysler Immo system.
Dongle D Available for Land Rover and Rover Immo System
Dongle E Available for Land Rover Immo System till 2004
Dongle F Available for Nissan and Infiniti Immo System till 2004
Dongle G Available for Nissan, Mitsubishi and Renault Immo System, new Ford and Mazda non intelligent Chip Immo system are added
Dongle H Available for Peuguot Citroen and Commodore series(Including Buick Royaum )
Dongle J Avaiable for all Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Rometo immo system etc,
Dongle K Available for GM Immo System
Dongle L Available for all Ford and Mazda Intelligent chip Immo system
Dongle M Available for all Totota Immo system
Dongle N Available for Honda and Acura Immo System
Please note: It cannot program Toyota h chip and some Lexus c chip.
New version will be released soon, new software will be sent to customers by email.
The MVP Key Pro M8 Diagnosis can support almost all car models from European, USA and Asia, you can downlaod the vehicle list from our website.