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How to create a key by Tango Key Programmer?

How to create a key?

Firstly, run the key maker interface according to the vehicle and read information in the "Info" window. Watch theData location field describes the memory chip. Find out the chip inside of the immobilizer and read it. Save the read data (dump).
Click the "OPEN IMMOBILIZER FILE" button and load the saved dump.
The program will analyse the dump.
If the dump is correct the "WRITE" button will become active and the "Keys" window will display the range of key numbers that can be created.
Take a look at the "Info" window, the Allowed transponder field.
Ensure you use a transponder exactly the indicated type.
Place the transponder into the coil.
Choose the key position you want to create in the "Keys" window.
Click the "WRITE" button.
This starts the writing process and transponder will be stored with the appropriate data.
At this point you may be asked to save a new immobilizer dump.
The program displays a standard File Save dialog where you have to save the data.
After this you will be informed about the new data saved and must be written into the immobiliser

Write the new dump into the immobilizer. Now it is ready to operate with the created transponder.
If you are not asked to save a new file, it means that immobilizer is ready to operate with the created transponder without file replacing.


1. ABS plastic enclosure: ingress protection  IP65/DIN EN 60529

2. Rubber seal: prevents sliding on a workbench shock-proof function

3. USB connection:  no external power

4. Big hole:  adopted to large keys

5. 3 small holes:  adopted to various sizes of transponders