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How to learn SDconnect C4 from LED displays?

This is for those with MB Star diagnosis SD connect C4 multiplexer. Obdii365.com will explain a lot about LED display with message, buttons, icons on the diagnostic system.


Display, buttons and icons:


The display is divided into two. In the upper area, permanent icons are shown (see following figure).

In the lower area, details are shown during the call up of information, setting of device parameters and during the diagnosis.


LED and acoustic signals


In the following table all LEDs and acoustic signals are shown together with their meaning:

Working status Green LED Red LED Acoustic signal Display illumination
Switched off off off off off
Switched on flashes slowly off once briefly on
Operational lights up off off on
Working flashes slowly off off on
Loss of WLAN reception in infrastructure lights up flashes slowly once long on
Loss of external power supply lights up flashes slowly once briefly on
Battery discharged on flashes fast three times briefly on
“Key finder” activated flashes fast flashes fast three times long on
Flight recorder off on off off


Information in the display


Information buttons


1 xsd-connect-c4-buttons-1


Displays the vehicle battery voltage.

2 xsd-connect-c4-buttons-1


Displays the internal workshop name (matches number clip) saved in the device and the SDconnect serial number.

3 xsd-connect-c4-buttons-1


Displays the SDconnect software version number.

4 xsd-connect-c4-buttons-1


Displays the WLAN card MAC address, where fitted.



Function keys


1 xsd-connect-c4-keys-1 and confirm withsd-connect-c4-keys-2


Manual WLAN mode change from road wireless network to workshop wireless network and vice versa.


– WLAN card installed

– WLAN mode active

– No wired connection used





2 xsd-connect-c4-keys-1 and confirm withsd-connect-c4-keys-2


Power down SDconnect.


– SDconnect is not connected to a PC

– No external power supply connected


3 x sd-connect-c4-keys-1 and confirm withsd-connect-c4-keys-2


Reboot SDconnect.

4 x sd-connect-c4-keys-1 and confirm withsd-connect-c4-keys-2


Reset to factory settings/delete the configuration.


– SDconnect is not connected to a PC


5 x and confirm with


Abort an application.


– SDconnect is not connected to a PC

– An application is active




SDconnect C4 operating condition


Boot process


The “Device is booting…” message appears during the boot process.



The “Device not in use” message appears after booting.

Working status


The name of the PC connected followed by >> and a free text for the application is displayed if the connection is active.

Sleep mode


The current working status (here sleep mode) can be shown in the display.

Connection status


The SDconnect display and the deskband are connected with each other.

The operating mode selection (here: Road wireless network) has to be the same in both.


MB SD C4 images:

Wireless wifi connection


Wired connection
