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How to update SKP900 Key Programmer unlimited tokens?

Free download: SKP900 key programmer unlimited tokens files
Tutorial: SKP900 unlimited tokens from 0 token
Step 1: insert usb, stay on main super obd screen
Step 2: start "SKP900 UPDATE TOOL V2.4.exe" open "Update V5.0.bin" and the detect port and update. the update can take upto 40mins so be patient.
Step 3: now open "0_token_patch.bin" and update.
Step 4: once complete, tap yes button on skp900 and then select "IMMOBILIZER" and scroll to "CHRYSLER" tap yes and then tap yes on "IMMOBILZER(RFH)
Step 5: if you see "IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM" you now have an unlimited token skp-900 
Step 6: i’ve added update tool v2.5 in case anybody needs it..
Contributor: urcarpc (many many many thanks)
Tested by Asaad Asaad