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How to use Tech Tool PTT 2.04.87 for Volvo D13

This is how-to’s of Volvo Premium Tech tool PTT 2.04.87 user manual for Volvo D13. Hopefully it’s helpful to someone. Enjoy!


First, you need a working PTT 2.04.87. There are many free links for you to download online; you can have a try but it’s not a good choice i bet, coz most of them will expire in the near future after use or cannot be activated or need the password. Had better buy a crack Tech tool with good reviews, likehttp://www.obdii365.com/wholesale/volvo-premium-tech-tool-20486-development-with-apci-update.html

It’s confirmed working 100%, and installation help can be got by the vendor


Anyway, good luck with a working PTT 2.04.87!


Part 1: How to use PTT 2.04.87 for Volvo D13 scanning

First make sure your apci+ is well installed or the correct version is used.

(That’s why it recognized as older 98 electronics truck.)
click on Help about tech tool and see if apci+ has date next to it.
if its blank than just load new file, no need to reinstall.
then go to test and select service and maintenance then fault codes.

E.g. giving code SPN 111 FMI 5


Part 2: Tech Tool Volvo PTT 2.04.87 & Volvo 2015 d13 parameter turn off cruise and speed limit

In tech tool while connected to truck go to programming go to parameter programming once loaded the cruise control speed limit should be the first parameter in the list. The road speed limit will be under Road Speed Limit Function Group if you change the view from Control Unit to Function Group dont forget to change speed on pedal as well as otherwise only the cruise control will go up.



Part 3: How to solve Volvo d13 2010 fuel system problem using Volvo Tech Tool

for injector cups/sleeves, remove the return from the tank and fit a piece of clear tube then start your engine and if it looks like champagne coming through the return then your sleeves/cups are likely goosed



Part 4: How to use Tech Tool PTT 2.04.87 for Volvo D13 regeneration

It has active codes for aftertreatment efficiency and EGR cooler efficiency. fuel pressure 57 psi,-engine and aftertreatment. I don’t bother myself about EGR cooler efficiency now, because it should be closed while regen anyway.



Part 5: How to do with Volvo D13 check engine code via Premium Tech tool

How to fix a Volvo with D13 that has a check engine code: MID 140 PPID 278 FMI 9 and error message “After-treatment Reagent level abnormal update rate”….


About the question, if you performed a Delete you must verify, that your new parameters data fits the new flash.

If you haven’t perform a delete, perhaps the error don’t comes from the MID140, because this is the instruments panel ECU, therefore, any error means that there is a parameter changed on the MID128 that is incompatible with your actual MID140.

Be aware, this is the symbol that your Delete didn’t work well, most likely you have increased HP because you have change the way the engine interacts, this can result on cracking old cylinders, because, now the combustion is more clean (more oxigen) which means more violent, because of new air flow is entering into the combustion chamber, any solution?

Yes, find a better flash pm to ChesterTech (be patient with him, that patience will be rewarded) Or reduce the amount of Diesel, changing the injectors parameters.