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Lonsdor K518ISE vs. SKP1000 vs. SuperOBD SKP900

Capacities and vehicle coverage comparison: Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer > SKP1000 tablet > Superobd skp900.

Details in the below table:

Key programmer SuperOBD SKP900 SKP1000 tablet key programmer Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer
Head picture skp900 skp1000 lonsdor-k518ise
Price $379 for English language, $409 for Portuguese language $465 $1,199
Touch screen  
Adapters / Package SKP1000 vs skp900 in pacakge: add touch pen, haima 7pin adapter,power adapter,TF card and TF card reader 1) Built-in VW 4th 5th adapter 2) Built-in RFID Transponder Reader / Writer 3) SKE-LT: Smart Key emulator is optional, not packed in the standard package.
Brand / Original http://superobd.com/ http://www.gpobd.com/ http://en.lonsdor.com
Software Update Free update online LIFETIME one key upgrade online, free for 1 year one key upgrade online for free LIFETIME
Firmware update
Language English, Portuguese English English
Built-in card   TF card, with TF card reader Built-in VW 4th 5th adapter & RFID Transponder Reader / Writer
Vehicle coverage Program key for multi-brand car models from US, Europe, Asia etc. 1) Immobilization for all makes 2) Odometer Correction Car List:VW, Porsche, Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mazda, Audi, Renault, Hummer, Hyundai, Kia…
Special vehicles & functions Enable/Disable the key, can not program key; Add key for TOYOTA G chip and H chip, not support all key lost Volvo (S40, S60, S80, XC60, XC90, C30, C70, V40, V60, V70) key programming.
Toyota/Lexus: smart key all key lost – via OBD ( without dismantle)
BMW CAS3/CAS3+/CAS3++: direct OBD programming
BMW CAS4/CAS4+: dismantle & read data programming
BMW FEM system key programming
2016 -New Maserati: smart key programming
2016 -New Ford: smart key programming
Hyundai / Kia 46/47/8A smart key: PIN code reading via OBD, all key lost included.
Renault ( Megane, Koleos, Scenic) without PIN code key programming
VAG group 4th & 5th immobilizer system
Ferrari (458, F12, F149): direct OBD programming
Peugeot /Citroen: two ways to read PIN code & programming, all keys lost included.
Pin Code Calculation Yes on a little part models Yes on more models than SKP900. Such as Ford and Nissan
Mileage adjustment via OBD  
Special Function    
Oil/Service Reset    
EEPROM Chip Read    



Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer price is the highest and most suitable for a professional locksmith


SKP1000 tablet will meets the basic needs on common vehicles IMMO, mileage correction and reset & maintenance.


Superobd skp900 already announce stop production.