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MPPS ECU Chip Tuning Checksum User Manual

MPPS V18 ECU Checksum Tutorial:


What is a checksum:

A checksum is a block of digital data that is used to verify the contents is of the memory is correct.  Upon modifying the data the correct checksum must be calculated to ensure proper operation of the Engine Control Unit (ECU).


What happens if I checksum a file that was already checksummed:

It will not cause a problem if a file is checksummed twice.  In most cases this will result in zero changes as the checksum is already made for the file.  Although in a very small number of instances the MPPS Checksum may be slightly different than a checksum calculated using a differnt method.  In This case it will also be ok to checksum the file a second time.


What you should know before MPPS checksum:

MPPS does not support Checksums in some cars models/ECUs , if it is not displayed under write option for your car model&ECU then the Checksum is not supported. If you cannot do it in WinOLSthat’s mean that checksum module is missing or not installed.
your best option is to compress your original file and modified file into RAR archive if you can and post this file on this forum . someone should check it for you.

remember when you will write your modified file into ECU make sure you have battery fully charged or better connect a battery charger if you can and observe voltage is above 12v in LHS corner in your MPPS software if you don’t have a charger,
do not open doors just wait couple of minutes till MPPS will finish write cycle, take time and do what software instruct you to do regarding ignition.

How to use MPPS cable for checksum:

Select the correct ECU TYPE

Press the checksum button

Select the modified file that you wish to checksum




Select the file name to save the checksummed file to


You now have a checkummed file that you can WRITE to the ECU.