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NSPC001 pin code calculator “Calculation Failure”

We have a customer who failed to calculate pin code for Nissan with NSPC001 pin code calculator. Here is the solution to the problem.


I tried to calculate Nissan pin code with the NSPC001 calculator. But I failed to read 10 cars. Here’s my operation:

Step 1.Connect NSPC001 to OBD port

Step 2. Connect NSPC001 with SKP900 key programmer

Step 3:choose “READ BCM CODE” function in SKP900

But it gave me error “Calculation Failure”



Error cause:

Cause by wrong/incorrect operation (Step 3).



In step 3., after you connect NSPC001 with SKP 900, do not choose “READ BCM CODE” function in skp-900, choose “KEY PROGRAMMING” instead.

During the programming key procedure, devices will build well communication with immobilizer. NSPC001 will show you the pin code.