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OBDSTAR X300 DP Changes Mileage on Old Buick GL8

How to use Obdstar X300 DP key programmer to change mileage on Buick GL8 by OBD, how to do? Here you go.


Test report via obdii365.com


Purpose: OBD odometer correction  for a Buick GL8 car


Tool used: Obdstar X300 DP full package


How-to’s:  How to use Obdstar X300 DP to adjust Buick GL8 mileage through OBD


This is the Buick GL8 car

The dashboard shows the mileage: 447183

Go to Diag Program

Mileage adjustment-> GM

Obdstar x300 dp tablet GM V30.50 (newest)

Select the model: GM->Buick->GL8->Old GL8

Mileage adjustment

Current mileage value: 447226km

Input the mileage of adjustment; here: 445000

The new mileage value: 445166km

The dashboard displays the new mileage: 445156

OBD change mileage successfully!