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Program BMW R1200GS 2015 Motorcycle Key with TMPro2

BMW R1200GS year 2015 Motorcycle


Purpose: Add a spare key. Have original key in hand


Chip type:4D70


ECU: Bosch ME17.2 BMSX



First Try:

Copy key with original key using key copy machines. Try many key copier JMD Handy baby IICN900Keydiy etc, some can read chip type but ALL failed to copy key.

Second Try:
Try IMMO Off method


Remove the ECU.  It is a Bosch BMSX type ECU.

Follow Ktag master wiring to read Bosch ME17.2 BMSX IROM TC1797 BMW (P452)



Read data quickly
Immo off and write back to ECU

Nothing changes 2 days later.

Immo off failed.



Third Try:
Read immo data to to write key

Load data to TangoVVDI2TM100 key programmers, all failed to write key.
These devices support old BMW motorbikes with 46 chip only.  None will write a 4D70 chip key.


Last Try:
Finnaly I was told by some motorcycle experts,  the TMPro2 (Transponder Maker Pro) is a motor beast.

So got my TMPro2 ordered here:



Device is very clean and simple. A main unit, a few connectors and an eeprom adapter.

Visit the official website http://tmpro2.com, download device software and got it well installed.

Directly connect device with laptop via USB port, don’t need extra power supply.
Software is multi-language available (Bulgarian, English, French, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Serbian, Italian, Czech, Chinese, Greek, Turkish and Romanian). Here I tested the Chinese version.

There are 211 software modules available currently, including 38 Motorbike modules.

It is said that it is THE ONLY tool in the world that can make key for keyless BMW motorbikes.


Device does come with some FREE functions:  read chip information, read and write EEPROMS 93cXX, 24cXX, 25cXXX, 95cXXX, S29190, X5328, Motorola 912 / 9S12, Microchip PIC18F252, read Motorola HC805P18 (need adapter), unlock Megamos Crypto ID48 chip and change mileage on BMW CAS FEM/BDC.


It can still used as a chip programmer if don’t buy any software module.

There are several BMW motorbike modules depends on years.

For R1200GS, you need to purchase module 191.
For BMSX or BMS2K or BMSMP ECU – to see where keys are stored you must check what is on ignition barrel.
If there is IMMOBOX UNIT – keys are stored in this unit but not in ECU.


Purcshe the license from the obdii365.com again. They got it activated very quickly.

Then follow the wiring diagram to connect

Read the immo data and load data to TMPro2 transponder key programmer to write key (same procedure to add key and make all keys lost).

Result: successfully add a workingn new key using tmpro.


Total cost: a new key ($400 from ebay)+ TMPro2 device 200 Euro or so+ 191 Module 1200 Euro