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R280 PLUS CAS4+ programmer vs. R270 CAS BDM programmer

What’s the difference between BMW R270+ CAS4 BDM programmer and R280 plus CAS4+ programmer ?



R270 BDM programmer: US$129.00

R280 cas4+ programmer:US$499




The new R280 plus cas4 programmer covers all the R270 functions

R280 = R270 + cas4+ + 5m48h + 1n35h

Note: R280 is the update version of R270. They are from different manufacturers.


Supported vehicles and mcu list:

R270 programmer

Removing-free program Motorola MCU EEPROM (HC908) and FLASH (HC912, HC9S12, HC9S12X) series. Directly read and write chip data quickly and safely, support for the new 2009 7 Series (F01 / F02) CAS4 odometer and chips read and write data, safe and effective.

Support BMW CAS and CAS4 (0K50E / 2K79X / 0L01Y / 0L15Y / 1L15Y, etc.)

Support BMW EWS4 (2L86D)

Support Benz EZS (1J35D / 2J74Y / 4J74Y / 3K91D/ 1L85D/ 1L59W/ 3L40K/ 4L 40K, etc.)

Support a variety of SRS modules: (9H91F / 0K13J / 0K75F / 0L85D / 0J38M / 1E62H / 1K7 9X / 5H55W, etc.)

Support the M35080 series of quick clear, read and write (35080 / 35080-V6/ 35080-VP/ D80 D0WQ / D160 / 35160, etc.)


R280 CAS4 programmer:

BMW 1 series – F20, F21 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW X1 series – E84 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW 3 series – F30, F31 and F35 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW X3 series – F25 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW 5 series – F10, F11 and F18 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW X5 series – F15 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW 6 series – DMEM/F12 F13 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW X6 series – F16 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW 7 series – F01, F02, F03, F04 chassis (pre-2016)

BMW GT series – F07 chassis (pre-2016)

Support the latest BMW Motorola MC9S12XEP100 chip (5M48H/1N35H)

Support for BMW CAS and CAS4 (0K50E / 2K79X / 0L01Y / 0L15Y / 1L15Y, etc.).

Support for BMW EWS4 (2L86D).

Support EZS (1J35D / 2J74Y / 4J74Y / 0L02M / 1L02M / 3K85K / 3K91D / 1L85D / 1L59W / 3L40K / 4L40K, etc.).

Support for a variety of SRS computers (9H91F / 0K13J / 0K75F / 0L85D / 0J38M / 1E62H / 1K79X / 5H55W, etc.).

Support M35080 series quick wipe, read and write (35080 / 35080-V6 / 35080-VP / 080D0WQ / 160D0WQ / 35160, etc.).

Support FLASH 0K50E online write.


PCB comparison:

R270 CAS4 programmer PCB


R280 PLUS CAS4+ programmer PCB
