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Read EDC17C46 ECU: Kess V2 or MPPS V18

What’s the difference of EDC17C46 OBD reading by MPPS V18 & Kess V2 master? Look here:


With Kess v2:

You can write boot readout or frf->bin file with kess obd, but you need to choose correct protocol. Kess will automatically do tprot patch in this procedure. But you need to know what you are doing. Checksum correction from alientech is sometimes a little bit poor if you change something outside map area. But if you fail and have made full bootmode readout before you can recover ecu…


With kess v2 v4.036 firmware with update board work 100% on this ecu. tested from me Friday. all ok!

With kess v5.017 eu version, I read the file via bootmode tricore and wanted to upload the same original file by obd and get the message: file corrupted or not correct

With MPPS V18 ECU Flashing cable:


you can make with Mpps the bootfile OBD-enabled and then write OBD. The same option should also be possible with KTAG. Have not yet tried to write the OBD-Mpps file with Kess via OBD. With Mpps, 100%


But i recommend you’d better have it via BOOT mode.


With MPPS v18, read and write 17c46 in boot mode. No issues!


How to use MPPS V18 to read/write EDC17C46 through BOOT:


You need to take the ECU apart and connect resistors etc to the circuit board

(kess v2 or ktag don’t need resistor for this ecu. But personally, I do not recommend you to write with Kess clone, Ktag smoothly)


Only in bootmode for ecu with Tprot.
Even if you would read-it, then you can’t write-it.
So, open-it and go with the resistors.
It surely is the only way for you.


You can only check TP level this way. Put ecu in boot mode if you wanna read write


In sum, it’s kind of dangerous, no matter with which tool.