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V2018.7 MB Star Xentry OpenShell Installation FAQs

07.2018 XDOS Windows 7 Windows 10 Install:


– 07.2018 Xentry/DAS Windows 7 FAQs:


  1. Try install win7 x86?

Install it on win 7 64 Bit or remove the package.


  1. I can try install win7 x86 but not complete. I have error 393. part gives error. How to solution.

try install at fresh windows SP1 also disable UAC..


  1. Have Communication Error 1.53315.9999 on win7 x86 pro. How to solve

everything fine with me, but make sure of the IP, try to do the MUX firmware again and report


– 07.2018 Xentry/DAS Windows 10 FAQs:


  1. Xentry 07.2018 on windows 10?

today i installed at windows 10 64bit. windows download form microsoft site. before installation i stop windows auto update and disable UAC. firewall. defender. everything work good…


  1. I counted a problem after installing 7/2018 on my Windows 10 64bit:
    “Communication Error 1.53315.9999 – Initialization of the multiplexer has failed”
    The XDOS doesn’t see Ignition-On signal.

Ps. Before I used 03/2018 without any problem.

how did you install 7.18 ? did you uninstall 3.18 and install 7.18?

most probably your problem is windows issue, specially windows 10

I suggest you try your mux on other system first and report


– 07.2018 Xentry/DAS errors and solutions:


  1. Xentry.exe application error?


restart and try again, check your memory as well

stop windows defender and UAC

make sure you don’t have viruses

stop antivirus

check if there is any software consuming the memory

check disk usage if it is always 100% in you windows 10 then google its solution which is available online

and if you can do diagnostic for your RAM do that from your laptop


  1. Anyone the missing akktab.csv pkw file for 2018.07 ?

03.2018 akttab for 07.2018 offline coding:




  1. After updating the MB SD Connect C4 MUX firmware I got the cal error 870.
    It seems that the new version has blocked my MUX, even I have applied the blacklisted fix before!!!

Use correct lic.sli and Problem is gone.


  1. Installed this version but when doing a forced regeneration when asked to start engine I am loosing connection with multiplexer?

update full addons and try again


  1. I need Hht diagnostic. Hht only working x86. I can try xentry sim test 212 and 204 not complete. Not working xentry sim. How to solution error. Please help me.


Just finished x32 installation for HHTwin and no problem.



2018.07 Xentry OpenShell XDOS Released Notes:







Software Support


Change log

Release Notes 07/2018

  1. New features of XENTRY Diagnosis Kit 3 systems

New features in Support Tool:

The Support Tool has been given a new icon in a new design.

The “Contact Support” tab contains the email address for the User Help Desk.

The “Support Packages” tab has a “Pin icon” located at the left next to each screenshot. When you

click on the button, the Screenshot Tool marking window appears.

Screenshot Tool: After closing the marking screen, the selection screen for the Screenshot Tool

appears. This makes it easier to create several screenshots than was previously the case.

A graphic set of instructions before the test is available in “VCI self-diagnosis”.

“Network self-diagnosis” shows adapter settings and network settings and a connection check is also


“XENTRY Diagnosis Pad” tab: System information displays the connection status to the backend

servers in the form of an immediate status picture.

The “Client test” button in the “Information” is no longer shown, it is now available as bandwidth selfdiagnosis.

The new overview page in the “XENTRY Diagnosis Pad” shows a summarized view of all the relevant system information.


New features in XENTRY Update Service:

If Retail Data Storage malfunctions because of a defect, ConfigAssist can be used to configure the

“RDS failure” fall-back mode. In this mode the data are loaded directly by the XENTRY Diagnosis Pad

from the Internet. Important note: Please coordinate this in advance with your IT manager!

Connected XENTRY Kit I Kit 2 systems are now visible in the XENTRY Update Service Control

Center in Device Administration

The flashware user interface does not contain any details on Regio or the type of Digital Operator’s

Manual, the HLI information is no longer available


New feature of XENTRY Diagnosis VCI:

The WLAN channel for XENTRY Diagnosis VCI can be configured.

Important: This setting is only to be used when the VCI connection has problems!



  1. Data storage media

1 Blu-ray Disc for XENTRY Diagnosis Software for XENTRY Diagnosis Kit 3

1 Blu-ray disc for XENTRY Kit I Kit 2 Update

Telematics and Regio-DVDs, if applicable


Passenger cars:

The following telematics CDs/DVDs are still required (item numbers, market-dependent, plus any special provisions):

1668270859-0001 1718270100-0001 2168274159-0001

1668271300-0001 1718274459-0001 2218270065-0001

1668273900-0001 1978270400-0001 2218270100-0001

1668274600-0001 2048271000-0001 2218270465-0001

1668274700-0001 2128271900-0001 2218270665-0001



The following telematics CDs are still required (item numbers):






Changes since the last release

New documents

No entries available

Updated documents

Installing and configuring XDOS with VCI

User manual XENTRY Diagnostics Open Shell Variants

Help Card XENTRY Diagnosis VCI