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Which tool will program key for old Ford Focus 2004

I want to buy a key programming tool for old Ford Focus 2004. I have SKP900, carprog,upa and FVDI clone commander.  I tried with skp900 and FVDI all failed. Any recommendations will be highly appreciated.



OBDSTAR X100 Pro works very good, tested ok what they claim ok as below


Smart key system


Smart key system

2. Just the SBB key programmer V33. It is ok on old Ford like Focus. Ain’t nothing better than this tool for older cars

3. T300 works very good,t300 menu works named after Ford. Someone asked which menu i used for old Focus, you need choosing PATS system or something like this. T300 is better to ford the oldest type of fiesta 1996, 4c.

4. Zed Full original works on this model, but the cable for Ford is 2000 euros.

5. The old Focus,key pro m8 is quite enough. The m8 mvp clone will do Fords until 2007, will not do the blue key. M8 menu runs the systems pats 1,2,3,4 …. pats 1.2 transponder 4c, pats 3 and 4, the transponder 4d,mondeo id 60, focus id 63, attention focus can be 80 bit, (however it will stop production)

6. Truecode great and fast and platform can be added to quite reasonably for other brands. T300 or truecode have never let me down for ford. truecode very fast and easy but t300 works very good also. for ford on all keys lost situation you must program 2 keys.