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Why did I buy Inline 6 Insite 7.62?

Here are some things learned while I was also deciding what Insite software to buy. Hopefully it can help someone. And please correct me if there is some things wrong.

If you search eBay for Inline 6 Insite 7.62, some of these will include the Insite software, but read carefully!. Some do not. I bought mine from the site http://www.obdii365.com/wholesale/cummins-inline-6-data-link-adapter.html works no issues and with good tech support. Satisfied so far.

Does the software comes in the CD ? Apparently yes. And you install and update from the CD, no internet connection required.

Is this software original and legal ? That’s where it gets fuzzy. Some consider it original and have been using it for years perfectly fine in their trucks. Others consider it pirated software and will rather buy directly from Cummins.

Is buying directly from Cummins more expensive ? Yes, a lot. And is a subscription for just one year.

Why version 7.62 and not the newest versions 8.xx (Insite 8.2.0)? Because newest versions have to communicate online with their mother ship(Cummins) and if they can’t, will stop working. If you want Insite 8.xx, forget cummins insite download for free! Spend some dollars and go to cummins insite crack version – my friend has one and never upsets him.


Will Insite 7.62 work on the newer engines ? Apparently Yes. CM2350, CM2250, CM871, CM870 . And some others.

Should I use a laptop or Virtual Machine? If you don’t know a lot about installing software, the easiest way is to get a used laptop with Windows 7, and use it just for that. Do not install adicional software or go online, to make sure no malware gets to your truck ECM.

On other hand, if you have a fast laptop, enough Ram, and know a few difficult tricks, could install a program like Virtual Box , to run Cummins Insite on a virtual machine. That basically means that Insite will run completely isolated from other software in the same laptop.