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Xhorse VVDI2 VAG and FLY FVDI2 VAG Full Comparison

Xhorse VVDI2 or Flyobd FVDI2 (not FVDI 1st generation but 2nd)? I am gonna buy one of these, just don’t know which one would suite me best. I’ll use it for VAG group clusters changing g6/touran/tiguan etc., immo adaptation, making keys, millage correction. Any advice?





VVDI2 VAG supports VAG cars: VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, 4th immobilizer Porsche, 4th immobilizer Bentley.

It works perfect in diagnostic, 4th immobilizer, 5th immobilizer, key learn, BCM remote control, Engine control unit, Kline instrument and immobox, adapt unit, component protection, dump tool etc


FVDI2 VAG supports  VAG cars: VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda VAG-VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda 4th & 5th immobilizer,incl. 4th & 5th immobilizer AUDI A6/Q7, 4th immobilizer Porsche, 4th immobilizer Bentley.

Also, it works good in basic diagnostic, key programming/PIN codes reading, mileage correction, fault codes reading


VAG diagnostic:


Actuator test
Output tests  
Read DTCs
Clear DTCs
Basic settings
Security access
Custom requests
Broadcast requests  
Measured values
Advance measure value
ECU Flasher


flash ECU by OBDII, now it supports frf, odx, sgo file

Protocols TP2.0,





KWP2000 over TP2.0,


KWP2000 over TP1.6,

UDS over ISO transport protocol (CAN),

KWP1281 or KWP2000 over K-Line


VAG key programming:

4th immobilizer VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat/Porsche/Bentley VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat/Porsche/Bentley
read/write EEPROM
read/write immo data
read START/STOP key data
add a new key
program a new key


(when all key lost)

read PIN
coding calculator  
5th immobilizer VW/Audi


incl. A4(2009- ), A5, Q5, A6 (2012-), A7, A8(2011-),


VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat, incl A4/A5/Q5 2007+ vehicles with the BCM2 immobilizer
OBD read BCM2
BDM read BCM2
check key status
make dealer key
learn key


Special functions for VAG:

  Xhorse VVDI2 Fly FVDI2
Engine Control Unit
read PIN, CS, MAC
change KM
switch OFF/ON immo


(enable/disable immobilizer)

read/write flash  
read/write eeprom  
K-Line Instrument/Immobox
read pin code from Kline cluster&immobox
read/write EEPROM
read Flash  


read ROM/Flash

change KM  
auto remove “DEF error”  
Adapt Unit
ECU adaptation
steering lock adaptation  
change service interval options  
Component protection
Generation 1
Generation 2
EEPROM dump tool
decode PIN, CS, MAC
set new PIN, CS, MAC values
change KM  
Immobox EEPROM
Kessy module(93C86)
J518 module
comfort module
decode PIN, CS, Immo NO., VIN etc
Cluster and immobox EEPROM
decode PIN, KM
change KM
TV activation ED1/ED2
change speed limit of MMI compatible vehicles  
read/write complete EEPROM of airbag  
clear the crash data of the airbag module  
Custom Read/Write
read/program memory in some ECU  
PIN Converter
convert PIN codes  
Service interval
reset of the service reminder,  
reset of the service interval parameters  
change service interval options  
enable/disable the “Eject” button of the “Navigation” system  
Cruise control system
activate/deactivate a cruise control system



change the related steering wheel electronics( SWE) configuration



Brake pads change
open rear parking brake for pad change



close rear parking brake  
parking brake function test  


From the charts above, FVDI2 FLY and VVDI2 Xhorse almost share the same functions.

They mainly differ in these aspects:

1 OBD read CS/PIN of MED17

2 generate OEM remote control

3 software authorization


FVDI2 full kit includes software for VAG – VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda; Porsche; Mercedes/Smart/Maybach; OPEL/VAUXHALL; BMW; Peugeot/Citroen; Fiat/Alfa/Lancia; Renault; Toyota/Lexus; Hyundai/KIA; Nissan/Infiniti; TAG Key Tool; Ford; Volvo;Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep; Mitsubishi; DAF; Bikes, Snowmobiles and Water scooters.

Your FVDI2 commander can be authorized; cost depends on vehicles @obdii365.com


VVDI2 full kit includes VK-01 Transponder Programmer, VJ-01 Passthru J2534 and software for VAG – VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda; BMW; PSA (Peugeot/Citroen); Porsche

VVDI2 authorization service, look here:

Vvdi2 & Vvdi2 authorization VVDI2 Full version



VVDI2 Basic version



Price 2049USD 499USD 999USD 1479USD
Basic Functions
AUDI and 5th IMMO Functions Authorization +320USD +320USD
AUDI VW 4th & 5th IMMO Functions Authorization Service   +1069USD    
BMW OBD Authorization +720USD +720USD
BMW CAS4 + Authorization +260USD +260USD +260USD
BMW FEM/BDC Function Authorization +600USD +600USD +600USD

So, If you looking only for VAG + BMW , then VVDI2 and VVDI Prog is way to go. No need any other tool. In VVDI2 you have also programmer similar to Tango that you can make keys buy dump, but 90% of VAG and BMW can be done by OBD in VVDI2.


VVDI programmer don’t have OBD it’s only for bench programming.

Good for CAS4, FRM, EZS, EWS4 and many more.