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24 Hours Activation [OBDSTAR Service] 8 Credits for 8 and 20 Digits PIN Code Reading for X300 DP PLUS, X300 Pro4, MS80, MK70

Brand: OBDSTAR Item No. XNR-SS372 In Stock. History 23 sold.

Buy Now: $8
4 OBDSTAR Nissan: Nissan 22-digit Pin Code calculation [OBDSTAR Service] 8 Credits for 8 and 20 Digits PIN Code Reading for X300 DP PLUS, X300 Pro4, MS80, MK70

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Product Description

  1. ​​​​​​​OBDSTAR pin code software, checking 22-digit rolling code pincode for devices from other manufacturers, charges by times.
  2. Calculate Suzuki 8-digit password
  3. Used with X300 DP PLUS/ Key Master/ MS80/ MK70.

8 Credits for 8 and 20 Digits PIN Code Reading for X300 DP PLUS Key Master MS80 MK70

Provide 20 digits ID code from other devices after payment.

Online authorization completed within 2 working days, no need shipping.
Please email a picture of device's serial number to sales@obdii365.com.
Once credits were recharged, there is no refund.
You can find the serial number on the back of the device or in the user information.

1. Will the credits expired?

2. Will it charge 8 credits if it failes to read PIN code?

When do you need the 8 Credits?
OBDSTAR will convert the 20-digit ID code to rolling code.

OBDSTAR Nissan/Infiniti software V32.28 adds Nissan 2018- Kicks and 2018- Micra K14 Proximity/Blade 22-digit (actually 20-digit) rolling code key programming (Free pincode)

OBDSTAR X300 DP plus and x300 pro4 will bypass pin code without buying this credit. OBDSTAR also provides a pin code calculation service for other manufacturers.

OBDSTAR pin code software, checking 22-digit rolling code pincode for devices from other manufacturers, charges by times.

OBDSTAR Nissan/Infiniti software V32.28 adds Nissan 2018- Kicks and 2018- Micra K14

How-to: OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code for Other Manufacturers

Menu path: Car Immo >> Pin Code>> Pincode V30.04>>Nissan Infiniti >> 20 Digit Pin Code >> Kicks>> 2018- Blade/Proximity

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 1
OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 2
OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 3
OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 4

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 5

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 6

This function is available by connecting with the server. Ensure an internet connection is enabled.
if use obdstar device, it will bypass pin.
if uses other devices, a certain feed is required to calculate the password.
If the query failed, it will not deduct credits.

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 7

Press ENTER to continue

Each calculation requires 8 credits.

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 8
Click OK

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 9
Input 20 digits ID code reading out by the device from other manufacturers, click [Enter]; Remarks:20 digits ID code(actual 22 digits, but only input the first 20 digits)
Confirm 20 digits ID code, click [Ente];

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 10
Check successfully, 8 credits deducted, click OK

OBDSTAR Calculate Nissan 22-digit Rolling Code 11
The Rolling code has been calculated successfully.

Now you can program a blade/proximity key with the rolling code.

2. Calculate Suzuki 8-Digit PIN Code
Send ID code and VIN to use to calculate 8-digit pin code.
Calculate Suzuki 8-Digit PIN Code 1
Calculate Suzuki 8-Digit PIN Code 2

3). If OBDSTAR MS80 or MK70 motorcycle request for 8 credits, you can also pay this service.



We are here for you:

Skype: OBDII365.com
Email: Sales@OBDII365.com
Whatsapp : +86 18350207975



OBDSTAR Adds Nissan Kicks 2019 Proximity Bypass 22 Digit Rolling Code