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Elsawin 5.20 registration problems on Win10 (solved)

Here are the working customer solution on ElsaWin 5.20 Electronic Service Information for Audi VW SKODA SEAT registered or not registered issues running on Windows 10 (64bit) system.



Part 1: Elsawin 5.20 registered issue

In the help tab, Elsawin 5.20 says it’s registered


Here’s the solution:

First start ElsaWin administration


Click to File on the left in the first line then code then code query or somthing like that. (I’m using the hungarian vers.)


On the pop-up window will be a provisional code. The final code block is empty!


Use the keygen how when you installed the program at first time.

The new final code paste to the empty block.


Don’t close the administration panel!

Start ElsaWin main program and will work.


Not fixed the problem but Elsa will work for …..



Part 2: Elsawin 5.2 not registered issue

Elsa is not registered


Here’s the solution:

Open Esawin admin (Run as admin)

Use default uername and password (admin/admin)

Then top left option (mines in German so Dienste)

Then Code

Then Codeabfrage

This brings up the activation window

Copy the temp code


Using the activation tool again (Run as admin)

Copy code and generate activation code

Paste in Elsawin admin

(mine took 3 attempts at this but now it working)

First 2 codes came up not registered still


Hopefully, it’s helpful to anyone.