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FVDI2 Program OK Renault key cards

Share my interesting experience… Have tried many tools for Renault key programming, like CarProg, SBB, Renault CAN CLIP, etc. But only successfully program Renault keys with FLY FVDI2arbites commander.


my experience failed on 2008 megane:
Carprog clone 4.74 lib file not worked
SBB v33 clone not worked (they don’t its on internet)
Renault CAN CLiP 110/134 keeps faulting on final stage with error “execution condtions unsatisfactory”

SKP900 i am told by seller will do it, but i read that it will not do it
MVP M8 will do it apparently but i have no experience to offer

Personally, I have to say i think the Flyobd FVDI2 is the way to go but I am unhappy with there change in policy to charge for updates, plus they seem to be getting to expensive for the new modules


Now, i have managed to program keys for some models:


Scenic 2 2004
Key Learning (keycard pcf 7947)
with FVDI2 renualt 5.2
–> Ok


Scenic II ph2 1.5 dci 2009
learning key
with FVDI2 renualt 5.2
–> Ok


Clio 2 2010
Key learning
with FVDI2 renualt 5.2
–> Ok


Kangoo DCi 1.5 ecu Delphi TRW DDCR 1.5 DCi 2005
Transponder learning 7936
with FVDI2 renualt 5.2
–> Ok


clio classic petrol 2004
reading pin
with FVDI2  5.2
–> Ok


Traffic 2004
pin read and key programming from UCH dump
with Tagkey Tool 6.2
–> Ok


Grand Scenic 2005
pin read and key programming
with FVDI renualt 6.3
–> Ok


Espace 2006
pin read and key programming
with FVDI2 renault v6.3
–> Ok


So far, that’s all models i tried successfully. Wish this help someone else.