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How to install OTC 3111 Pro Trilingual Scan Tool software

Here is the step-by-step instruction on OTC 3111 Pro Trilingual OBDII CAN ABS scan tool
Scanning Suite 4.0 software installation.


  1. Insert the Scanning Suite CD into the PC CD or DVD drive.
  2. The CD should automatically start running. If it does not, simply browse to the CD or DVD drive and double click setup.exe.


Go to www.otctools.com/updates, select OTC 3111 Scanner, and click the Download Scanning Suite 4.0 link. Save the OTC_ScanningSuite_Ver4_Install.exe file to your PC. We recommend saving the file to your Desktop. It can be deleted after the installation process is complete. Once the download has completed, double click on the OTC_ScanningSuite_Ver4_Install.exe icon and proceed to next step.


3. Select the language you would like to install and click OK


4. Wait for the installation to begin


5. Click Next.

6. If you accept the terms in the license agreement, click the respective bubble and click Next.


The Scanning Suite will install the files in a default location. Click Next to continue.


Note: If you prefer to install the files in another location, click Browse to choose another destination folder and click Next

8. Click Install


9. Please wait while Scanning Suite is installed.


10. Click Finish. The installation is complete.
