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How to update BMW ICOM A2,A1 firmware to v1.40

OBDII365.com here provides BMW ICOM A1, A2 diagnostic tool firmware 1.40.05 /1.25.02 bin files free download and update instructions. 

Current SYSTEM IMAGE version 01.25.02

Current APPLICATION IMAGE version 01.40.05


Note: 2015.11V BMW ICOM Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P version needs newest V1.40.05 firmware support.


Which specific version of BMW ICOM hardware to update firmware?

Perfect version ICOM A2: Item NO SP168-BA 

Other version ICOM A2 wifi: SP168-BSP168 



Free download BMW ICOM A1/A2 firmware V1.40/1.25 bin files


How to update BMW ICOM A1,A2 firmware to V1.40/1.25?

Important Note:

To set your computer to automatically obtain IP address.



  1. Using LAN cable to connect ICOM A2/A1 with computer, using 12V power adapter or connecting ICOM device with BMW to supply power for ICOM A2/A1.


  1. Extract ICOM A1 A2 fw 1.40 upgrade files.


  1. Open IE Internet Explorer, for perfect version ICOM (SP168-BA, browse address, log in with username/password: root/NZY1150263;

For other version of ICOM A2 or A1 (NO SP168-C, SP168-B, SP168 and SP168-D), browse, the login username and password are the same.


3. Click “Update Firmware“, you will see ICOM firmware version information.


  1. Click “Browse” to select file “ICOM-BootImage-01-25-02.bin“, set image type as “SYSTEM“, click “Send the file“.
  2. When “Write the image file to the flash?” pops up, click “Yes”, then ICOM indicator will turn red.
  3. When “The SYSTEM IMAGE update was successful” pops up, click “Update Firmware”.
  4. Choose “ICOM-ApplicationImage-01-40-05.bin“, set image type as “APPLICATION“, click “Send the file“, it will cost several minutes because the file is a little bit large.
  5. When “Write the image file to the flash?” pops up, click “Yes”, then the ICOM indicator will turn red for the second times.
  6. When upgrade complete, click “reboot“.
  7. Click “Home” – “Update Firmware” to check whether ICOM A2 firmware update to the newest version:

Current SYSTEM IMAGE version 01.25.02

Current APPLICATION IMAGE version 01.40.05


1. Setting up your computer to obtain an IP address automatically

2. Firstly choose the smaller file “ICOM-BootImage-01-13-00.bin” , then set image type to SYSTEM;

3. Secondly choose the bigger file “ICOM-ApplicationImage-01-18-00.bin”, then set image type to APPLICATION.