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How to use Benz MB ESL Steering Wheel Lock tool

MB ESL USB Tool software allows you to read/write/erase the eeprom of Electronic Steering Lock ESL devices.
The MB ESL tool software also supports reading/writing/erasing ESL units with Motorola processors (can read nec eeprom content as well).
This means that the software can be used to unlock, lock.
The Steering Wheel Lock covering the following models: 
W202, W208, W210, W203, W209, W219, W211
Software installation tips:
1. Disable anti-virus software before running software
2. Set computer COM port and software COM Port to COM3
Super MB USB Tool Connection Video
 super-mb-esl-usb-tool-2 super-mb-esl-usb-tool-3 super-mb-esl-usb-tool-4
Connection tips:mb-els-usb-tool-1mb-els-usb-tool-2