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How to use Xhorse VVDI MB TOOL to add a Benz BGA key

2015 New arrival Xhorse VVDI MB BGA Tool Mercedes Benz key programmer will calculate BGA password free online and add a BGA key within simple steps.

How to use the VVDI MB Tool to add BGA key

Main steps:

Step 1: Collect EIS data

Step 2: Calculated BGA password online

Step 3: Read and Write a new key


Step 1: Collect EIS data

To read BGA password, we need to collect the EIS data first

Open VVD MB tool software Select vehicle type, here A166, W197, W212, W218, A246 for example

Press “Data Collection”


Connect the MB Tool’s OBD connector with the EIS

Insert the key into the EIS, click Yes

Follow the following steps to collect the data

Wait the device initializing

Insert the key into the IR reader infrared interface, then click yes (see connection picture below)


Start collecting EIS data, wait about 5 minutes

The red indicator light on VVD MB Tool key programmer will flash

Insert the key into the EIS, wait 30 seconds

Insert the key into the device infrared antenna,then click OK

Save the collected EIS data (here we named it OBD_FFFFFF_1)

Collect data complete. Start to calculate BGA code online


Step 2: Calculated BGA password online

Select “Online Calculation”

Upload the data just saved to the server


The software needs to take 3 minutes to calculate the BGA code

Tick “Reflesh automatically” and press “Query result” to get result to check whether the password was calculated


Server show password calculate failure, so we have to calculate the BGA by repeating the steps above

Follow the system prompts to 1.Connect the OBD lead to the VVDI MB Tool and the other end with EIS 2. Insert the key into the EIS


Click OK

The system starts to collect the data and re-calculate the BGA password again

Insert the key into the VVDI MB Tool’s IR reader, click OK

wait about 5 minutes

Then insert the key into the EIS

Wait about 30 seconds

Insert the key into the device infrared antenna, click OK

Save EIS data, start to calculate BGA code again

Click “Online Calculation”

Select the second file that was saved (OBD_FFFFFF_2)


Wait another 3 minutes to calculate the BGA code

Clicks reflesh automatically, the BGA code calculation is succeeded


Copy the BGA password

Select “EIS” function, select vehicle model

Click “Read” to read EIS data by OBD and fill in the password

Paste the BGA code and press “Save EIS data”


Save the EIS data contains the password

The system then will ask to save one more as HC05 format, save the data again


Select “Generate Key File” function

Upload the EIS data contains the BGA code (VVDIMB-EIS-OBD)

Click “Generate Key File” button, save data, generate NO1-NO8 key data


Step 3: Read and Write a new key 

Select “Read/Write Key” function

Select key type BE-IR Key


Take out the original key from the IR reader, insert a new key into the IR Reader

Select key position for key file. Load the NO7 key file and make a new key


Click Write

Click Read

Add a key successful

Check the key if it works, insert the new added key into the EIS

Please pay attention to the position of the key position 7, read the EIS data again


The data is changed, add a new key success

Insert the new key into the EIS