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Reflash BMW F-series ZGM, ICOM A2 or ENET cable?

Here are some tips aimed to help reflash BMW F series ZGM with E-sys v3.22.5 coding software.



to reflash BMW ZGM for F series



BMW ENET (OBDII to Ethernet) cable?

BMW ICOM A2 emulator?


--> tools discussion quoted from a bmw forum:

SanDiegoF12: Why is an BMW ICOM A2 required instead of just using the OBDII to Ethernet cable?

erdengurcan: ICOM A2 more stable than enet cable. For example: When you update ZGW via ENET, sometimes car stays on transport mode. But via ICOM it always come back to normal mode.

2real4u: A more technical reason is lack of DHCP server when connecting with ENET interface. This does not affect connection over DCAN, which is supported by BMW ICOM, but cannot be accomplished with ENET cable.



Working BMW E-sys v3.22.5 and psdzdata v49.4:



[Tips] How to reflash BMW ZGM with E-Sys?

Error message when fail to flash ZGM:
MCDDiagService id=240900, job=com.bmw.psdz.jobs.common.MCD3_ActivateProgMode , service=RC_GAC – RoutineControl GetActualConfig, description = error: timeout, link=Physical request to ECU with address 0×10>

possible solutions:
*Use direct connection via gateway url instead of via vin to tcp://ip address of your car:6801 eg tcp://
*In Tal Processing | Parameters uncheck “Switch gateway(s) to programming mode”


Hope this helps anyone.