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Original Scorpio-LK Tango SLK-06 Emulator LKP-04 Toyota H 128 Bit Immobilizer All Keys Lost Solution Package

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Product Description

Scorpio-LK Tango Key Programmer with Basic Software V1.114,supports reading, writing and generating the latest transponders used in the latest vehicle immobilizer technologies. New function of reading Kilometers, VIN and transponder type for all BMW keys has been added to the BMW software module! Immo pin code is also displayed for some car models.

Original Scorpio-LK TANGO Key Programmer Toyota H 128bit Immobilizer All Keys Lost Package 

Tango software 1.114 allows you to solve all keys lost (AKL) situation on Toyota vehicles equipped with 128bit H immobilization system from all markets by creating a master key on LKP-04, utilizing SLK-06, which further serves for diagnostic authorization for key addition, no need to replace or reset the immobilizer. 

Here we launch the Tango Toyota H 128BIT All keys lost full package containing:

Original Tango + SLK-06 emulator sniffer with software license + 5pcs*LKP-04 Toyota H 128bit transponder + Toyota Key Maker


Tango Transponder Key Programmer:

 100% Original Scorpio-LK Tango

2. Free update online

3. Latest Version: V1.114

Connect your TANGO to computer with internet, start the software to [help]>>[check update], then you can update Tango to latest software.


1. After purchasing, please visit official website and update within 28 days, or TANGO Key Programmer will get locked

2. If you want to get authorization for special functions or cars, please refer to http://www.scorpio-lk.com

Tango Software display:

Tango supports OS:  Win98 ,WinXP, Vista,Win7, Win8/Win8.1,  Win10

What's the NEW feature?

After generating a new transponder with TANGO Programmer, you will not need any additional diagnostic equipment to program the generated transponder to the car!
The car  will be started directly, even on new FIAT CODE 2 system. And it's also used in PSA Group vehicles!
What you only have to is writing the new file back into the immobilizer system!

Tango Software V1.114  Feature:

  • Tango software added (online update)
  • Again First in the WORLD!
    Toyota-H Immobilizer All Keys Lost solution (all markets)
    SLK-06 sniffer for Toyota-H Immobilizer AKL solution
  • Again FIRST in the WORLD! 
    True Image Generator for Toyota H-Keys (Page1 3A, 7A) on TRPWS21 transponder* 
  • Reset Subaru SmartKey (F3)*
  • Key maker Nissan Micra 2005- (93C56,DST40)
  • Key maker Nissan Tiida 2005- (93C56,DST40)
  • Key maker SsangYong Action 2011- (S9S12,DST80)
  • Key maker Ford Cargo 2014- (24C64,DST40)
  • KKey maker Buick Excelle 2013- (9S12,DST80)
  • Key maker Fiat Palio 2012- (95160,HITAG)
  • Key maker SAIC Kai Yue 2013- (9S12,DST80)
  • Key maker SAIC Datong V80 (95160,HITAG)
  • Key maker MAN truck (M29W160,MEG13)
  • Key maker BMW K19 (25160,DST80)*
  • Bugs fix and optimization


What transponders does Tango Key Programmer support?

Philips transponders: 
PCF7930-31 writing, reading
PCF7935 writing, reading, shadow memory, crypto calculator
PCF7936 writing, reading, modes password, crypto, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7941 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7942 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7943 transponder, remote, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7944 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7945 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7946 transponder, remote, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7947 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7952 transponder, remote, eeprom, Manchester & Biphase encodings
PCF7961 transponder, remote, Manchester & Biphase encodings
*Auto switching between PCF7936-PCF7961 windows if invalid type detected.
*Autodetect manchester / biphase

Temic transponders:
Temic 11 reading , writing to T5
Temic 12 reading , writing to T5

Megamos transponders:
Megamos (13) reading , writing to T5 , emulating on PCF7930-35
Megamos (48) reading, writing, PIN, unlock by PIN, full range of memory contents, crypto calculation
Megamos CRYPTO-2 (8E) read ID, read/write EEPROM, write Cryptokey

Texas transponders:
Tiris (4C) reading
Tiris (4D) DST crypto reading, writing, crypto calculator
Tiris (4E) DST crypto reading, writing, crypto calculator
Tiris (8C) reading

TK5551M (T5 replacement)
SAAB reading , writing to T5
The product is in working out stages, therefore the list of the supported transponders will be developed later.

What's the key maker usage?

Key maker usage consists of 4 steps. The 4-th step is additional and depends on a vehicle model.
1. Open an immobilizer dump file.
2. Choose number of the key you wanna create.
3. Place a transponder into the coil and click the WRITE button.
4. In some cases the program will ask you to save a modified immobilizer dump. This dump must to be written into the immobilizer.

First of all, take a look at above picture. 
The "Loaded File" window displays the immobilizer file name.
Ensure that a valid dump is stored.
The "Maker" window displays selected maker name. Ensure the right key maker selected.

The "info" windows display an important information:
1. Original transponder---Informs you about type of the original transponder
2. Allowed transponder---Informs you what type of transponders is suitable for the key maker
3. Data location---The immobilizer memory may be stored in various chips, the description informs you about from where you have to read a dump. Some immobilizers can have various chipsets. In this case the field displays several possible chips. Find one of them inside of the immobilizer and read it.
4. Data size---Each chip has certain memory size, the key maker accepts files with the described size.
5. Data format---This field appears in case of 93CXX eeprom seria.

There are 2 standards of data layout:
1.Intel format and Motorola format or Little Endian and Big Endian respectively.
2.The data layout depends on a chip-programmer that is used for eeprom reading.This field informs you what kind of format is suitable for the key maker.Usually you can see that both formats are suitable. It means that the program can understand any data layout.

Scorpio-LK Emulator SLK-06 for Tango Key Programmer 

Supports Toyota-H Immobilizer All Keys Lost solution (all markets)* 
SLK-06 sniffer for Toyota-H Immobilizer All keys lost solution

Again FIRST in the WORLD! 

True Image Generator for Toyota H-Keys (Page1 3A, 7A) on TRPWS21 transponder*

Toyota H Immobilizer All Keys Lost solution (all markets)

I: Getting Started


This Help relates to Tango software version 1.114 (April 2019) and up.

The function allows to solve all keys lost (AKL) situation on Toyota vehicles equipped with 128bit H immobilization system (Page1 39,59,3A,5A) regardless of market (EU/Asia/USA), by creating a master key on LKP-04, utilizing SLK-06, which further serves for diagnostic authorization for key addition, without need to replace or reset the immobilizer. During the process car data is not altered in any way.

System requirements:

SLK -06

SLK-06 is battery powered. Note that a battery is not included with an emulator and has to be obtained locally. Three standard types of battery are compatible for our emulators:


If battery is removed all data from the emulator will be lost. When power is restored the default data will be loaded into the transponder memory.

Thus the transponder can be cleaned to default state just by taking off the battery.

We did no test how long the battery lifetime in this application is, because of the main purpose of the SLK-6 is to get data in few minutes. The battery shouldn’t drop much below 3V or emulator won’t save data.


SLK-06 not programmed.
Default state after the battery replacement.

II: Operation Procedure

Due to the nature of Toyota H immobilization system a creative approach is needed in order to solve all keys lost situation, particularly for EU/Asia regions vehicles. The solution currently implemented in Tango can be summarized in three main steps, which are described below:

Obtaining data (Sniffing) Calculation (Calculate Data)

Master Key Creation (Write Transponder)

Obtaining data (Sniffing)

  1. Disconnect battery from car (1-3min)
  2. Reconnect car battery
  3. Insert battery in SLK-06 (LED will blink few times, then go off)
  4. Hold SLK-06 next to the ignition lock (as if it is a key)
  5. Insert blank key blade (without any transponder) into the ignition and switch ON
  6. If steps from 1 to 5 are performed correctly the LED of SLK-06 will start Hold it in position until LED stops blinking and turns solid red. At this point part of data gathering is complete.

LKP-04 Chip for Toyota 4D 128-Bit H Transponder Cloning for Tango

Clonning of Toyota H-key [Blade](128bit) on LKP-04, You need to use the LKP-04 Chip to make the job 


2014-2017 Toyota Camry
2014-2019 Toyota Corolla
2014-2019 Toyota Highlander
2018-2019 Toyota Prius C
2013-2018 Toyota RAV4
2016-2019 Toyota Sequoia
2015-2019 Toyota Sienna
2016-2019 Toyota Tacoma
2016-2019 Toyota Yaris
2017-2019 Toyota Thundra

Tango Toyota Key Maker Authorization Service

With this software you will add the capability to your Tango of coding a Transponder to the Bin File from the following Toyota and Lexus.  The Marker will cover all of the common Toyota and Lexus “Reflash” Vehicles found in the market.


Auris (2003-2004 Immo With 93C56 Eprom)
Auris (2005-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Avalon (1998-2004 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Avalon (1998-2004 ECU With Motorola Processor)
Avanza (2008-2009 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Avanza (2010-Up With 93C66 Eprom)
Avensis (Immo With Motorola Processor)
Avensis (ECU With 25080 Eprom)
Avensis (ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Avensis (2003-2004 Immo With 24C04)
Avensis (2004-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Avensis (2004-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Aygo (2003-Up With 24C04 Eprom)
Camry (1998-2002 ECU With 93C56 Eprom v.1)
Camry (1998-2002 ECU With 93C56 Eprom v.2)
Camry (1998-2006 ECU With 93C86)
Camry (2003-2006 ECU With 96LC66 Eprom)
Camry (ECU With Motorola Processor)
Camry (2005-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Camry (Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Camry (1998-2003 Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Camry (2005-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Carina (Immo With MC68HC05 Processor)
Carina (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Carina (1996-1998 With 24C04 Eprom)
Celica (1999-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Celica (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Corolla (Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Corolla (ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Corolla (ECU With 24C02 Eprom)
Corolla (ECU With 25020 Eprom)
Corolla (ECU With 95080 Eprom)
Corolla (2005-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Corolla (2005-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Crown Majesta (With 4C Transponder)
Duet (With 4C Transponder)
Echo (ECU With 25040 Eprom)
Echo (ECU With 93C66 Eprom)
Estima (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Hiace (With 93C66 Eprom)
Highlander (2001-2004 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Highlander (2005-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Highlander (2005-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Hilux (2006-2011 With 93C66 Eprom)
Kluger (2005-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Kluger (2005-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Land Cruiser (1998-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Land Cruiser (1998-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Land Cruiser (2005-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)  
Matrix (2004-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Matrix (2004-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
MR2 (2000-2005 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Paseo (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Passo (Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Picnic (1999-Up With 93C66 Eprom)
Prado (2005-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Prado (2005-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Previa (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Prius (2001-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Prius (2001-2006 Immo With 93C56 Eprom)
RAV4 (2002-2003 ECU With 25080 Eprom)
RAV4 (2002-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
RAV4 (2005-2007 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Rush (1999-2005 With 93C66 Eprom)
Rush (2006-Up With 93C66 Eprom)
Sequoia (2001-2002 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Sequoia 2003-2006 Immo With 96LC66A Eprom)
Sienna (1998-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Sienna (2004-2006 ECU With 96LC66 Eprom)
Sienna (2005-2006 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Solara (1998-2002 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Solara (2003-2006 ECU With 96LC66 Eprom)
SportsVan (ECU With 25080 Eprom)
Starlet (Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Surf (2005-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Surf (2005-Up Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Wish (2005-Up ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
Wish (2005-Up Immo With 93C66)
Yaris (1998 Immo With 24C04 Eprom)
Yaris (2001 ECU With 25020 Eprom)
Yaris (2002 ECU With 95080 Eprom)
Yaris (2003 ECU With 95040 Eprom)
Yaris (2003 ECU With 93C86 Eprom)
Yaris (2003-2004 Immo With 93C56)
Yaris (2003-2004 Immo With 93C66 Eprom)
Yaris (2004 With 93C56 Eprom)
Smart Key System (Requires Additional Software(s) And Emulator(s))
ES300 (1998-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
ES330 (2004-2006 Immo With 93LC56 Eprom)
GS300 (1998-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
GS400 (1998-2000 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
GS430 (2001-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
GX470 (2003-2004 Immo With 93LC56 Eprom)
IS200 (With 4C Transponder)
IS300 (2001-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
LS400 (1997 Immo With 93LC66A Eprom)
LS400 (1998-2000 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
LS430 (2001-2004 Immo With 93LC66 Eprom)
LX470 (1998-2002 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
LX470 (2003-2005 ECU With 93LC56 Eprom)
RX300 (1998-2003 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
RX330 (2005-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
RX330 (2004-2006 Immo With 9LC56 Eprom)
RX400 (2004-2006 Immo With 9LC56 Eprom)
SC300 (1998-2000 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
SC400 (1998-2000 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
SC430 (2002-2006 ECU With 93C56 Eprom)
SC430 (2002-2006 Immo With 93LC56 Eprom)
Smart Key System (Requires Additional Software(s) And Emulator(s))

Notice :  Toyota Image Generator H-Keys: Page1 39, 59, 5A, 99  is not included in the package ,you need to buy it separetely , if you need,thank you !



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