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CG FC200 Software Update to V1.1.6.0

CG FC200 ecu programmer released new software update on October 16th, 2023.

V1.1.6.0  NEW


1.Added CONTINENTAL TC17 type engine computers (BOOT mode): SID310, SID807EVO, EMS3110;

2.Added CONTINENTAL SPC5xx type engine computers (BOOT mode): GPEC3, GPEC2A, GPEC4, GPEC4LM, GPEC2;

3.Added CONTINENTAL TC17 type engine computer (BOOT mode): SIMOS8.2x, EMS2511, EMS24xx, EMS2205, SDI9, SDI3, SDI4, SDI10.x, SDI21.x;

4. Added new GM type engine computer: GM AcDelco E98;

5. Added the Flash verification function of the gearbox computer: DQ380, 8HP, 7DCT300, 9GT-VGS-NAG3;

6. Added PFlash verification function for CONTINENTAL TC17 engine computer;

7. Added the function of independently reading and writing DFlash/PFlash/ExtEEPROM/ExtFlash: MSD80/MSD81/MSD85/MSD87/MSV90/SIM271KE;

8. Fix some BUGs and optimize software performance.