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VVDI MB BGA Tool Software Update to V4.9.0

VVDI MB BGA Tool key programmer software update to V4.9.0. 

***    Require firmware V4.5.0
**************************************************  **********************
=====    BENZ V4.9.0            =====
1. This update no need update the firmware
2. Add new type for calculate password while all key lost:
a. Support W230 get key password with VVDIMB Power Adapter (All KEY LOST, 20 minutes-1 hour)
b. Support W169 type2 get key password with VVDIMB Power Adapter (All KEY LOST, 15 minutes)
c. Support W169 type2 get key password with slow method
d.Support W164/W2512004-2008(NEC chip)get key password withVVDIMB Power Adapter(All KEY LOST, 30 minutes)
3. Support write Mark value to NEC key from IR
4. Support write VIN to HC08/HC12 EIS(Kline)
5. Bugfix