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Xhorse Multi Prog Software Update to V1.1.0.0

Xhorse Multi Prog programmer software update to V1.1.0.0 on Dec. 25th, 2023.

Software V1.1.0.0


1. Script: Added multi-language function, supports configuring different texts and operation buttons for Chinese and English; added several new functions
2.Fix known issues


Database V4:

2023-12-21 19:53:51
* PIC series process optimization
* Fixed the problem of engine computer->Siemens->SIMTEC76 (29F800BB) option failing to write data
* Fixed serial memory->Atmel->AT93CXX DIP package chip connection problem
* Anti-theft->General->BCM3 wiring diagram modification
* Lithium battery->Audi->Audi A8-48V lithium battery (MPC5644B) repair
* Microcontroller->Infineon->TC2XXX->TC23X-16F option repair
+ Added to MCU->Motorola->MC68HC(9)08 series, HC908AP8, HC908AP16, HC908AP32, HC908AP64, HC908AS32A_FLASH encrypted option
+ Added to MCU->Motorola->MC68HC(7)05 series
MC68HC705X32(0G47V) options
+ Added in Parallel FLASH->STMicroelectronics->M58BWXXX, M58BW016FBxxT,, M58BW016DBxxT,, M58BW016DTxxT,, M58BW016FTxxT options
+ Anti-theft->Added in Volvo CEM_R5F64524_KFD,, CEM_R5F64525_KFD,, Volvo S80 body module (TB28F400B5B) options
+ Anti-theft->Added in Chevrolet Epica BCM(0D60J)(–2009),, Epica_BCM(1K20C)(–2009),, Sail IMMO box (–2009) options
+ Others->Added in Audi, Audi A8 electric tailgate module (D70F3373) options
+ Others->Added in FAW Haima S7 smart computer, Jiefang J6 BCM (MC9S12G128)(2023), Leading BCM (MC9S12G128) (2022) options