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2016.7V Xentry 2221-45 No access authorization solution

One of customer had the Xentry error 2221-45 No access authorization when running Mercedes MB SD Connect C4 2016.07V Xentry diagnostic software. Here is the final solution provided by OBDII365.com engineer. 


(2221-45) No access authorization for XENTRY Diagnostic was found on the server. You must contact the User Help Disk.


Solution from obdii365 engineer:

  1. If you running Windows 7 hard drive, then

Browse to C:\Mercedes-Benz\Xentry\fusoko\eclipse\plugins folder, delete com.daimler_xentry.diagservice_1.6_0.2016.07181047 file.


2. If you running Windows 8 hard drive,then

Browse to C:\Program Files\Mercedes-Benz\Xentry\fusoko\eclipse\plugins folder,

Delete com.daimler.xentry.diagservice_1.6.0.201607151427 file
