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DIY diagnose BWM motorcycle with K+DCAN Cable & ICOM D

Recently, I just bought an BMW Icom D interface from OBDII365.com; thought it has the KL15 problem, so I decided to rearrange all wires by myself. And luckily, i managed to use K+DCAN Cable & ICOM D for BMW Motorcycle diagnosis.

Device i used:

ICOM D interface

K+Dcan USB cable

(but i suggest ADS5600 BMW motorcycle scanner if you don’t mind the price, for it’s a  more professional motorcycle diagnostic tool)

Here are the steps that I have been following:
1. I cut all the big wire


2. I used a multimeter in order to get the relationship between the pins and wires. I used continuity function.
3. I ordered a female OBD2 ( INPA K+DCAN cable and Vagcom cable both ok) because I broke mine trying to eliminate the plastic housing

4.Then i used this configuration below:


Universal K-Line & CAN BUS Adaptor (K1600)

Signal                  OBDII Socket                 BMW 10 pin Plug

K1 15 (Ignition On)        1————————————————–10

Ground                  4&5————————————————-4

CAN Hi                  6—————————————————–7

K-Line                   1 (BMS) 7—————————————–1

K-Line                   2 (ABS) 8——————————————2

CAN Lo                 14—————————————————–9

KL 30 (Bat+)             16—————————————————–6



How to setup bmw inpa K+Dcan cable?


1/ Dependant on the software, model & adaptor cable used it may be necessary to invert RI #

and DSR signals to for detection of battery and ignition as per the VAG KKL cable.

2/ This cable & access through the diagnostics port is yet to be tested


INPA software Installation

1/ If the cable is supplied without drivers & utilities download them from FTDI

2/ Install driver

Plug in cable, WinXP will find cable,

point to directory with drivers, windows installs.

3/ Set the USB Serial port parameters


Set the Latency timer from default 16 msec. to 1 msec

Check USB Port No matches Port No set in INPA/EDIABAS (OBD2.ini)

4/ Install Mprog & modify the programming of the eeprom FT232RL

We need to invert RI # and DSR # signals to fool the detection of battery and ignition.

After programming check your I/O Control settings, they must be :


#C4 = SLEEP Invert RI ticked Invert DSR ticked

Save settings


How to setup ICOM D adapter?

8 pins fitted but in wrong pin No’s

Pin 01 – Vi/Sw

Pin 02 – Sw/Rt

Pin 04 – Ws/Ge

Pin 05 – Ws/Bl

Pin 07 – Ws

Pin 08 – Gn/Ws

Pin 09 – Br

Pin 10 – Gn We need pins 1,2,4,6,7,9,10 (Pins 7 & 9 are K1600 CAN Bus)

Plug with bike socket



Note: This is the DIY guide provided by customer. You are at your own risk.