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How to do PCR2.1 ECU Full Read and Write

About: Simos PCR2.1 full flash


There are several parts included:


What is Simos PCR2.1?

What tool can read/write PCR2.1?

How to full read/write PCR2.1?

Which better for PCR2.1 read/write?



What is PCR2.1?



What tool can read/write PCR2.1?


VVDI Prog programmer

Vvdiprog reading full flash PCR2.1. Like on X17 or Smok.
Ktag and transdata 

l use ktag and transdata and works fine , just make sure you only unlock once ie dont play around with it


Kess V2 4.036

Using Kess v2 v4.036 is working very well PCR2.1. read & write on the benchmark after unlock,not ktag or you can read thru obd with KESS..it will show you whether it is locked or unlocked…resistors boot only for unlock eeprom


 4 Magic x17

Use Magic x17
No need to unlock or open pcr.
All via OBD now (since this week)


FGTech Galletto v54

I did Reading, unlocking and writing with the FGTech_0475.

(but unlock in boot mode not by obd)
Everything is perfect !



How to full read/write PCR2.1?


Here, take Ktag as a flash tool. Full flash PCR2.1.

You need Pinout cable SSM 144300T111 (INFINEON TRICORE ECU PCR2.1 CABLE)

This is a SSM cable




Already DONE



Need original ktag or HQ cloned ktag 7.020, open ecu and prepare Eeprom for cloning ECU.



Which better for PCR2.1 read/write?


ksuite tools (kess or ktag) seem to be more stable than fgtech on pcr but work too


On ksuite tools , you can’t read or write with ktag , only unlock . (alientech need to work on it…)
with kess it’s ok , BUT , you can’t use the tricore module !
The trick to get communication error free on both fgtech and kess cable is to use a strong external psu .
good psu and obd home made bench cable , remove tricore module on kess v2 = 100% tested bench flashing solution for pcr2.1 .