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How to set up MB CAN Filter on Mercedes C-class W204

Mercedes-Benz W204 adopts new EZS with NEC processor marked IRLAND or HAVANNA (also named EIS-electronic ignition switch). Mercedes CAN filter will work with EZS types. For installation remove EZS from car.


Optional CAN FILTERs for Mercedes W204:

MB CAN Filter 12 in 1 for W221 W204 W207 W212 W166 X166 W218 W172 W246 W176 W117 W156

MB CAN Filter 5 in 1 for W221 W204 W212 W166 and X166

MB CAN Filter 8 in 1 for W221 W204 W212 W166 and X166 W172 W218 W246


Step 1– prepare Mercedes CAN filter board

check – resistor 121 must be soldered and solder second configuration points like in pictures

mb-can-filter-W204-1 mb-can-filter-W204-2

Step 2– Remove EZS board from casing.

Carefully disconnect board from mechanic – look on picture.


Step 3– Remove from EZS board SMD part marked with red “X”.

With short, good isolated wire connect Mercedes CAN filter to EZS board according picture: 1-1 (C1H), 2-2(C1L), 3-3(C2H), 4-4(C2L), 5-5(GND), and 6-6 (+5V).


Step 4– After connection, insulate Mercedes CAN filter board with heat shrink or insulation tape. Put it carefully to EZS casing.