This is the instruction on how to find ZB number with BMW ICOM WinKFP tool 32 bit version 5.3.1 in order to program the UIF.
BMW E46 2003 325i
Device used:
BMW ICOM A2 diagnostic scanner with WinKFP software
Laptop with Windows 7/ 8 operating system
Steps to find DME ZUSB:
Click on F1- Comfort mode
Click on F3- Update ZUSB
Select ECU: MDS451, click OK
Click on F4- Enter VIN
VIN error 307, click OK
Click on F8- Done, then Click on F3- Update ZUSB
ECU -> ZBNr.from UIF: 7532780
Update -> current ZBNr.:7561526
Program current ZBNr.?
Click Yes to program current ZBNr
about 5 minutes to program the UIF
if you’ve not had interrupted power supply or corrupt files or did something silly, it will go smoothly and you will be rewarded with this screen to say PROGRAMMING OKAY