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How to Reflash Autel MaxiSys MS908 MS908P MS908S MS908S Pro?

When do you need to reflash these Autel Maxisys MS908 series scanners?

1.when you forget lock screen password

2. freeze on boot log

Reflash Autel MaxiSys MS908 MS908P MS908S MS908S Pro

Free download MS908S Pro flash package:

Download LINK

Size: 354.8MB


The file is also compatible with MS908S, MS908CV.

Better send S/N to sales@obdii365.com to verify if your device need to reflash before operation.



How to flash MS908S, MS908S Pro, MS908CV?


  1. Download the compressed file and unzip it, will see the ‘autel_factory_dev’ folder.
  2. Copy the whole ‘autel_factory_dev’ folder to blank TF card root menu. (The TF card should be formated to FAT32)
  3. Plug the TF card to MS908S/MS908S P card slot.
  4. Power on the MS908S/MS908S Pro and it will to go to flash process automatically.


How to flash Autel MS908, MS908 Pro?

Free download MS908 flash package:


Size: 288.5MB


  1. Download the compressed file and unzip it to get the “autel_factory_dev” folder;
  2. Copy the whole “autel_factory_dev” folder to blank TF card root menu(the TF card slot should be formatted to FAT32);
  3. Plug the TF card to MS908/ MS908 Pro card slot;
  4. Power on the MS908/ MS908 Pro and it will go to flash process automatically.