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SKP-900 vs. OBDSTAR X300 PRO3 vs. X100 PRO

The OBDSTAR company recently released a powerful X300 PRO3 key master with good reputation. What are the differences among  OBDSTAR X300 PRO3, X100 pro and SuperOBD SKP900 key programmer? Here, you can easily get the merits of OBDSTAR X-300 Pro3 from the comparison table below.


What are the differences among  OBDSTAR X300 PRO3, X100 pro and SuperOBD SKP900 key programmer? Here, you can easily get the merits of OBDSTAR X-300 Pro3 from the comparison table below.

Product SuperOBD SKP900 OBDSTAR X300 Pro3 OBDSTAR X100 Pro
Picture  skp900-v4.1  OBDSTAR-x300-pro3-Key-maker obdstar-x100-pro
Price $599 $559 $339
Original 100% original from SuperOBD 100% original from OBDSTAR 100% original from OBDSTAR
Update Free update onlineLIFETIME Free update online for 1 year Free update online for1 year
Language English, Portuguese English English/ Simplified Chinese/ Traditional Chinese
Built-in card NO SD card 4G TF card
Vehicles All support almost Asian, European, American vehicles;


For detailed models, please contact OBDII365.com customer service

Special vehicles notes: SSKP-900 supports TOYOTA G chip and H chip X300 PRO3 can’t support VW 4th & 5 th IMMO X100 pro can’t support Proton
Function ONLY Key programming Immobiliser +


Odometer adjustment + OBDII + EPB +


Oil/Service reset +

Battery matching

Immobilizer +


Odometer Correction+



Conclusion OBDSTAR Key Master performs best among the three auto key programmer:


1- more functions:

Obdstar X300 Pro3 covers more functions than SKP900 and OBDSTAR X100 Pro

2- runs better

X-300 pro3 with ARM high speed chip keeps it running fast, stable and anti-jamming

3.SKP900 support newer protocol then X300 Pro.
