VVDI2 List of VAG VW Audi Skoda All Keys Lost via OBD
– Can a Xhorse
VVDI2 key programmer add a new key through OBD, when VW / Audi lost all keys?
– Yes! Xhorse vvdi supports
OBD lost all keys to some VW and Audi models.
So, here is what you need:
A HQ VAG key programmer (xhorse vvdi2 or the like)
Working software (vvdi2 with the newest sw: ver. 4.0 vag)
VVDI2 Audi VW 4th & 5th IMMO functions authorization
Vehicles supporting OBD lost all key:
1) Audi A6/Q7/Allroard 2005+ – CAN
2) VW Passat B6/CC – CAN
3) VW Passat B6/CC with EDC17/MED17 – CAN
4) VW, Seat, Skoda 2007+ – CAN
5) VW, Seat, Skoda, Audi with VDO NEC 2009+ – UDS
6) VW with NEC+95320 or Magneti Marelli with Motorola 9S12 2009+ – UDS
7) Johnson Controls with 95320 – UDS
8) W Dashboard with VDO NEC35xx 2013+ – UDS
!!!!! All 4th immobilizer system can make a dealer key via OBDII directly.
Don’t need BDM read cluster EEPROM, only require know PIN and 6 bytes CS. PIN
and CS can read from Engine Control Unit function via OBDII.

Item 1) with OBD lost all key will get window

Item 2) 3) with OBD lost all key will get window

Item 4) with OBD lost all key will get window

Item 5) 6) 7) 8) with OBD lost all key will get window.

We don’t recommend use OBD lost all key method for
item 6): VW with NEC+95320 or Magneti Marelli with Motorola 9S12 2009+ – UDS
and item 7): Johnson Controls with 95320 – UDS
These 2 types can read immo data from cluster even lost all key
The common point for OBD lost all key is that it will change one or several component
security bytes in immobilizer system. So, all the original key will stop work after
perform this function, and will not support key ordered from car dealer
If you want accept the key ordered from car dealer again, you need enter dealer
workshop to do online change immobilizer system operation, don’t need new
module for immobilizer, it can performed with the original immobilizer system. After
finish the above operation, the ordered key can learn successfully. But all the key
configured with lost all key method will stop working
Expect item 1): Audi A6/Q7/Allroard 2005+ – CAN,
all other lost all key type support make OEM key, you can enter dealer workshop do online operation with OEM key.
Attention: DON’T do online change immobilizer system operation, if you do this operation in dealer workshop, all the key made by lost all key method will stop working
VVDI2 test: Johnson control with 95320 – UDS

Generally, this type instrument use 95320 EEPROM.
There are two methods NEC+95320(Johnson control), NEC+95320(jci 2013 bora/jetta)
There’s a special procedure for prepare dealer key:
Menu->key learn->4th immobilizer system – VW/ skoda/ seat (choose the specific type according to the car)
Lost all key- OBD prepare key
This function will read PIN/CS from ECU or (input PIN/CS) and prepare dealer key. The dealer key can learn to car
After running this function, it changed 6 bytes of all 12 bytes CS in immobilizer system. So the old key cannot be used anymore, and don’t accept any key come from dealer.