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Zed Bull transponder key programmer V508 or Mini?

Zedbull Clone is it good ? I want to buy Zed Bull key programmer from OBDII365.com. But has somebody experience with buying this clone Version 5.08?

Customer experience on Zed-bull transponder key programmer:

I bought myself go quiet good Zedbull V508

Great for holding the front door open while the Mrs carries the shopping in….

Ok for basic stuff….better when used with Effi
Effi is software than can add many modules on you clone tool.

You can do: CAS3, VAG car with Micronas and some NEC, Dodge, Fiat 500…


Q: Does effi software work on Mini Zed-bull clone?

A: Yes it works….


Q: Which one is better zedbull mini of the big one?

A: Mini and big are the same! Effi works with both!
Smaller is cheaper, also lower shopping Cost! Big is better.