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OBDSTAR P50 Adds Audi Battery Reset and Repair

OBDSTAR P50 released new battery reset software version V30.06 on June 27th, 2023. 

Add Audi BMS 8R0915233, 8R0915591 crash record erase and repair(on BENCH)

In Audi A6, A8 and 05 hybrids, the hybrid battery management unit (BMS) disconnects and logs a P1609 fault code when a crash occurs (!!! Crash shut-down activated !!!). resulting in the vehicle not starting.
At present, only a few auto electronic repair professionals through the brush firmware or open the cover through the programmer to repair  (high cost. risky. and only support some models), our company free upgrade P50 battery module repair function again. 
P50 supports the BMS crash record (P1609) repair function (on BENCH) for the 8R0915233 and 8R0915591 parts, no need to disassemble and read the chip, no n$k and difficulty, which can save a lot of maintenance costs.