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How to Reflash Autel IM608 Tablet with Flash File?

Free download IM608/IM608Pro flash file program


Installation instructions are mentioned, along with the boot files.

​Unzip this file and put it under the root directory>>Insert the SD card back into the device>>Reboot the device.


First download the boot file zip file. After decompressing/save to hard drive.

Step 1: Open the cover on the back of Autel IM608
Remove the battery so that you can insert the SD Card

The following is the locatioin to put the sd card, unzip the flash file and put the unzipped file in the SD card, then insert the SD card in the above location then reboot the device.
SD card format: TF card, 4G and above, fat32 format

How to reflash Autel MaxiIM IM608/IM608 Pro?

1. Download the compressed file and unzip it, will see the 'autel_odm' folder.
2. Copy the whole 'autel_odm, folder to blank T card root menu. (The TF card should be formated to FAT32)
3. Plug the TF card to IM608//IM608Pro card slot.
4. Power on the IM608//IM608Pro and it will to go to flash process automatically.